Miss world जित्न नसके पनि नेपालीको मन जितेकी छन श्रृङखलाले ।
Miss Nepal series Khatwada has been hosted by Miss World 2018 in the final round 12 of the final round. When jumping from Top 30 to the episode 5 on Top 12 from the Asian continent, it was out. With him the beauty of New Zealand and Thailand were also chosen in Top 12. India’s largest power of Asia, India and China, left the top 30. Top 5 in Thailand became a beautiful choice. The title of Miss Asia also has won the top 5 by winning the beautiful beauty of Thailand. This was called Top 12 from five continents. Then top 5 has been selected by announcing the winner of every continent. Regardless of the series, Nepalese heart is naturally unhappy. However, if we look at it in a positive way, we are not defeated, because the two neighboring countries, in India, had gone out of the finest 12, the beauty of India and China. The series has won the two main Mississippi titles of the Ultimate World Multimedia Academy and the Boy with Purpose. It is also a matter of pride for Nepali, that we should look into it positively. As a social network user has written: 220; Even for the Worldcup trophy, Messi Ronaldo did not get into his pola but also played his game with all of his fans and his fan followers are similar. Winning only the victory of the crown is not to win the mind of your art by winning your mind. Nothing is crowned, reaching top 12 is also a matter of pride for us. Many people of Nepal did not know about Nepal. Your dream looks like beautiful beauty and self-confidence, seems to be the first woman prime minister of Nepal. If you are a female prime minister before you, there is nothing else to be done in the second half of the series, but you can get some opportunity for the country.